Woke up to find my vegan pancakes were only vegan until you got to the stage of whisking eggs into the mixture. I stopped well before that and went hungry. Late morning and as i live in Manchester, I decided Unicorn was my next port of call. "No egg" came to the rescue and put my pancakes back on the breakfast menu. Spent another hour wandering around and filling my trolley quite easily. I'm also very fortunate ( although I didn't realise just how until today ) that my local shop is in fact a Co operative food store, and as I'm walking through to the juice aisle I notice some great deals on their pastas and pasta sauces. Obviously I went straight home and tried them, then immediately went straight back out and cleared their shelves. In all honesty, I haven't actually stopped eating since lunchtime and have never enjoyed a day of sampling new foods as much as today. Two packets of crisps ( Barrow Boys of course ), a large bar of moo free chocolate, Co op budget Ginger Nut biscuits, a chorizo space bar and I'm still planning my evening meal.

Certainly no struggles with my "restricted" diet today, that's for sure. In fact I'm already thinking of tomorrow mornings pancakes before tonight's Bombay Spiced Tofu salad.

See you all tomorrow
9/1/2012 06:32:40 am

Sounds terrific so far! Although there is a risk you could end up like me if you keep up the junk food. I mean the fat part, not the.... well you know what I mean!

9/7/2012 05:55:43 pm

Morrisons do loads of vegan food as long as you hunt througth the ingrediants.. Last night we had homemade veg pie chips baked beans followed by apple pie and icecream.. all ingrediants bought from them, its not hard to eat if you look around


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    Lee Davies

    I'm a 30 something father of 2, husband of 1 and annoyer of many. Have an active personal and professional interest in the Vegan market. 


    September 2012
    August 2012

