My favourite breakfast anyway so no hardships here, and paired up with the Vegan friendly Orange juice by The Cooperative. As I educate myself more I see a lot of people highlighting the importance of B12 in a Vegan diet. Marmite comes with B12 inclusive so that's a bonus.
(Breakfast post was late today, probably because at 1am I was snacking on some great Vegan Dolmades I bought from Unicorn, sorry but Vegan eating so far is just too good )
Lee Davies
9/2/2012 02:02:33 am

A late breakfast and a few hours at work have meant I'm still waiting for lunch, but did manage a bag of raspberry flavour panda liquorice and a packet of BBQ crisps ( you know which ) ....... more to come

Lee Davies
9/2/2012 04:44:02 am

What do I think of #vegan eating so far?


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    Lee Davies

    I'm a 30 something father of 2, husband of 1 and annoyer of many. Have an active personal and professional interest in the Vegan market. 


    September 2012
    August 2012

