My working week will see me having less snack time and more working time. After a quick Marmite on toast breakfast,again but my favourite since childhood anyway. I find myself at work safely away from tempting vegan snacks, or am I?
Lee Davies
9/3/2012 03:13:29 am

Quick pasta and a chilli and cherry tomato sauce for my lunch. Nearly home and very much looking forward to my falafel and bulgur wheat.

Lee Davies
9/3/2012 04:41:42 am

Looking forward to dinner tonight. Especially dessert later

Lee Davies
9/3/2012 08:26:25 am

For dinner - Tricolore spicy tofu pasta with Falafel and pesto AMAZING, my first step into the works of tofu and I even made enough pasta to have for lunch tomorrow NO CHANCE I went back and finished it all.
Dessert - A dairy free ice cream well known within the Jewish community but you need to have a good deli near you as delivery of frozen goods is awkward. Known as a dairy free replacement do vienetta but better, much better.

Loved my dinner this evening, nothing took an age to cook and everything was more than I could have asked for.

Really enjoying my vegan diet, not a struggle whatsoever, in fact I think I'm eating better than ever.

9/3/2012 08:30:03 am

can't tell you how big my smile is right now. i don't smile much, so i'm kind of in pain. very well done to you! :)

9/4/2012 01:54:01 am

Do you snack on fruit and vegetables? May be a good idea :) By the way, you're doing really well, and good luck!

9/9/2012 07:55:36 pm

Is that vegan vienetta?!!? Is it?!!? Is it?!?! *faints*


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    Lee Davies

    I'm a 30 something father of 2, husband of 1 and annoyer of many. Have an active personal and professional interest in the Vegan market. 


    September 2012
    August 2012

