So far I've found my diet enjoyable and not overly difficult until now.
Toast and Tomor spread for my breakfast, very nice. Now bare in mind I enjoyed my dinner last night so much I ate the extra I'd made for today's lunch. So come lunch time I was a little stuck for a moment until I realised I work near a very large Tesco and I've heard a lot of good things about their "free from" aisles. I went straight over and to my surprise found that the only thing "free from" on the aisle was the aisle itself. Instead there were 4 shelves mostly holding bread, Gluten free, dairy free and wheat free, but certainly not egg free. Anyhow, Tesco is not the solution for me so I had to think harder.
Did I mention my place of work deals with large numbers of potato? Specialises in vegan friendly flavourings?
I made CHIPS, but not just any chips, I made Cheese & Onion flavoured chips, and they're amazing.
9/3/2012 11:53:22 pm

i don't really condone tesco, you understand, but did you look in the refridgerated section? that's where their new range of vegan stuff is...

Lee Davies
9/3/2012 11:58:28 pm

Needed a quick lunch solution, as wasn't expecting to have to cook my own lunch today. As it happens it was a blessing in disguise. I wonder if Barrow boys have ever thought about flavoured over chips?

Lee Davies
9/4/2012 05:25:32 am

Dinner was my first time of cooking tofu. Slightly let down as I took it from the packet, a wet block of white clay is the first impression. Anyway, I'll come back to the tofu in a moment. Bulgar wheat on the hob cooking with a little bit of marmite to add a little something. Falafel cooking in the oven ( yes more falafel ). Tofu now far too easily cut into pieces and pan frying, while I look around for some vegan flavouring I have from a friend of a friend. End result was surprising, Tofu a very good new friend and always welcome on my plate, at least until I've eaten it all anyway.
I feel guilty taking a picture of dessert again but needless to say its my kosher dairy free vegan friendly vienetta copycat.


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    Lee Davies

    I'm a 30 something father of 2, husband of 1 and annoyer of many. Have an active personal and professional interest in the Vegan market. 


    September 2012
    August 2012

