No toast today, instead finally got around to trying the Vanilla porridge i bought from Unicorn at the weekend. Very nice indeed. I feel like a cosmopolitan supergran.....
Lee Davies
9/6/2012 05:32:48 am

Quick peanut butter sandwich for lunch as was a little rushed........

Lee Davies
9/6/2012 05:35:44 am

Dinner - I don't really want to be typing right now as i'm enjoying my meal way too much. Falafel in pitta bread with red peppers, cherry tomatoes, beetroot and Humous. After a dinner like this i'm already changing dinner plans I have in October unless they have vegan options.

9/6/2012 06:32:28 am

Hi, I saw the photo of your dinner, it looked delicious, do you think you'll stay vegan?

Lee Davies
9/6/2012 06:42:52 am

Only 6 days in but loving it. I think staying vegan is something we definitely can't rule out at the moment. Thanks for checkin in


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    Lee Davies

    I'm a 30 something father of 2, husband of 1 and annoyer of many. Have an active personal and professional interest in the Vegan market. 


    September 2012
    August 2012

